Embracing Courageous Retirement Plan Design:
Conquering Inertia, Eating Elephants and Walking in Your Employees Shoes
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Episode Guest:
Shannon Nutter-Wiersbitzky
Principal, Head of Participant Strategy & Development

The podcast series where employers find candid, in-depth interviews with industry experts, new best practices and valuable perspectives on current events.
Recap, highlights, and my thoughts
Guest Bio
I’m noticing a trend with the themes from a few recent episodes, leadership, stewardship, foresight and now I’m throwing courage into the mix! While all of these characteristics are important to run a successful and valuable workplace retirement plan, courage is sometimes underrated! To share some of her insights on the topic of courageous retirement plan design I was excited to have Shannon Nutter Weirbinsky who heads Participant Strategy and Development for Vanguard's institutional business join me on the podcast. During our conversation we hit on why she thinks its important for employers to embrace courageous plan design and how it will help both the company and your employees! We also chat about overcoming inertia with retirement savers, there was talking of how to eat and elephant, quick disclosure no animals were harmed in the recording of this podcast and why it is important to put yourself in your participant’s shoes from time to time.
Shannon has also done some great writing on topics that are helpful for employers. Links are below!
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Thanks for listening!
Sincerely Your Host,
Rick Unser
Links to Shannon's Blog Posts
Shannon Nutter-Wiersbitzky heads Participant Strategy and Development for Vanguard's institutional business. In prior roles, she served as head of Institutional Marketing and as head of Market Research and Voice of Client for all U.S. and international businesses.
She joined Vanguard in 2007 and has more than 15 years of experience in both consumer and B2B markets, focused on strategic planning, marketing, product development, business consulting, and market research.
Additionally, she originated and led the development of My Classroom Economy® (myclassroomeconomy.org), a free program built by Vanguard volunteers for grades K through 12 that teaches children key life skills through experiential learning.
Ms. Nutter-Wiersbitzky earned a B.A. from Macalester College and an M.B.A. from Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business.